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Goddbless said:

Ninety Nine Nights is kind of like Dynasty Warriors with characters from an anime. There's also some cheesy dialogue for good measure. Overall the game is fun as long as you don't try to take it too seriously.

As for my XBLA picks:

  • Cloning Clyde is a platformer reminiscent of Mario3 with the costume changes that give you different abilities. Plus there are small puzzles that require you to clone yourself to try to combine certain powers.
  • E4 is pretty hard to explain. My best try is calling it a rythym game but it's also somewhat like geometry wars....ugh...just try the demo.
  • Small Arms is what I like to call the XBLA version of Smash Brothers nut it's not as deep...then again not many games are. It's great when you have some friends over.
  • Assualt Heroes is like a hybrid SHMUP. You are in a vehicle shooting things but you can leave the vehicle at times and run around on foot (Not recommended for long trips). The second game has even more vehicle types and crazier bosses.

    I suggest if any of those sound interesting to you download the demo at least and try them. I apo;ogize if you end up spending a bunch of money on MS points but it will be worth it!

Thanks for the extra details. I'll download the demos and see where I go from there. :)