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General Discussion - 1 - View Post

SamuelRSmith said:
Slimebeast said:

Now race is not my main perspective on this issue but it's okay to put it like that (I would prefer culture and heritage). Either way this issue is one important reason why I want immigration into Europe to stop immediately, not just into my own country.

Our third biggest city in Sweden, Malmö with a population of over 300,000, is turning into a melting pot with lots of ghettos and crimes never before seen in our country. Of all people under the age of 20 in Malmö, Swedes are already in the minority! With our current rate of mass immigration (which has been record high in the last 5 years and it will only increase even further because our politicians just loosened the immigration laws) in less than two decades the same will have happened in all our big cities. People with foreign origins will be in the majority, at least if we're talking about the younger population.

Who knows what implications this will have but so far the signs are extremely worrying. Even mundane things such as changes in cultural preference & heritage bothers me. It sucks that Sweden won't feel like Sweden soon. A melting pot who ignores will not care about our history and culture. And the majority of youngsters will be into hiphop and gangster rap (not to speak of the serious issues such as crime, unemployment, struggling economy and well-fare system and changes in morality and behaviour in society).

If your country is like that, fine. All countries have different cultures, and I like that. If I travel to Athens in Greece I want to feel like I am in Greece, not little Asia. If I go to London I want to see England, not London the melting pot.

America is a nation built on immigration, it is also the most economically successful nation in the history of the planet. Immigrants are beneficial to the economy - labourers are labourers no matter where they come from, and increasing the amount of labour simply increases the economic capacity of the country. The economy struggles with welfare. Immigrants only speed up an existing problem with welfare systems, they do not create them.

Crime rates are linked to unemployment figures, which is linked to a struggling economy. Fix the welfare system, fix the economy, fix unemployment, fix crime rates.

The other points, sure, are your own opinions. I can't change those, nor do I have any desire to. But, from an economic stand point, immigrants are only beneficial to the economy, not a drain on it. Economics are not the only thing that matters, but they are one of the more important factors.

Wow there's so much wrong in this post and twisted logics.

To generalize like that and say "immigrants are only beneficial to the economy" is extremely ignorant.

It benefits America perhaps (it's debatable) but "immigration" definitely doesn't benefit European economy or society as a whole. I'm speaking of immigration like it happens in reality, right here and right now with all the millions of poor people knocking on the doors of Europe and the 50 million immigrants that are already here. We're not talking about the labor based immigration of your neo-capitalist fantasies. It's debatable how much current immigration flows benefit USA and Canada but yes, America certainly became powerful because of immigration historically and it was created with immigration in mind and the American society is by its design very much adapted to the nature of immigration. Europe is not.

And where did you get this delusion that immigrants work more than the native population? Because that sure isn't true in the majority of Europe including UK, Spain, Italy, France, Holland and Germany. If 80% of the native Swedish adult population works but only 55% of all immigrants work, how does immigration benefit Swedish economy?

If a certain economic and welfare system is already in place in a country, the people decided to build it during many decades after the WW2, and you bring mostly asylum seekers and their families in it and most of them end up feeding on it, you still claim immigration is beneficial to the economy? It's circular reasoning.

You say "Fix the welfare system, fix the economy, fix unemployment, fix crime rates". Are you extremely naive or something? Currently our way of "fixing" is to bring even more immigrants, not just in Sweden but all over Europe immigration is record high, because such is the nature of immigration, it tends to expand if you don't take active measures against it.