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There are a few resons I give up on a plat for a game. The worst being that the game just plain stinks.

I recently gave up on my second plat for this reson, The first was Fallout 3 a while back,  but this game makes me wish I was playing Fallout 3 again.

Its a horrible mess of a game with tons of ideas that had the potential to be great but the developers just kinda said nah keep it like it is but make it look pretty. A few instances where the camera angle makes it almost impossible to know where to go. Boring puzzle after boring puzzle. Inconsistant enemy and boss difficulty. Terrible story and shockingly bad voice acting considering the big names. There are too many flaws to list and the only redeeming features I can think of when playing is the graphics are nice and you can skip most of the story.

And the game I recommend everyone avoid is... Castlevania LoS. It really is a game that just starts to drag after chapter 1 (11 more chapters after........) So many bad memorys. Keep thinking of bad things stupid ledge sections which sometimes give no clue where to jump.... argg must stop. must sell game on Ebay.

 I will warn people when Im selling it of the poor quality of the game I dont think I could sell it in good faith without listing that the fact the game sucks in the auction.

 Im didn't even care it didnt feel like a Castlevania cos I expected that, What I didnt expect was how much it was gonna suck. Fallout 3 how I miss you.