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Acevil said:
Euphoria14 said:

Just my take on what CGI said, if of course it hasn't been mentioned.

The rebound of the PS3 this gen does have a very good chance of insuring a strong future for the Playstation brand and this is why I think it is so.


Regardless of what happened at the start the PS3 has the chance right now to finish off this generation as the strongest console sales wise and library wise. Coming into what could be the home stretch the PS3 looks to be the strongest.

Finishing strong helps at the start of next gen rather than the strong start from the others.


PS3 could have the momentum going into the next generation, especially now with their stacked 1st party.

I don't necessarily disagree with CGI, however I don't think it will be the strongest console sales wise or library wise at the end of this generation.

It seems library wise 360 is considered winning and greatly so, while sales wise, it would be hard to beat nintendo. If any manufacture comes out looking the strongest I would think it would be microsoft with renewed third party relations. In terms of momentum, I wouldn't know exactly, since it seems generations don't necessarily carry momentums, when you have stiff competition.

However, being a fan of the product, I would most likely buy sony's next generation product in a heart beat (after one full year :P).

When I say strongest sales wise I do not mean overall LTD, I mean that going into the start of next gen the PS3 will continue to be the strongest seller on a weekly basis worldwide. However I still believe the PS3 will finish near the top overall when it comes off the market.

As for 360 having the strongest library going into next generation, what makes you think this?

Not meaning to upset anybody but Microsoft has a very weak 1st party and 3rd party exclusivity may be going the way of the dinosaur. What if they can't insure top 3rd party exclusive support what will ride them through the next generation? Just going to rely on multiplats? The next system has the chance of lacking and identity of it's own compared to the next Nintendo or Sony console. MS could rely on multiplats now because they have already built a large enough base for this generation, but early on next gen they could suffer from their lack of in house studios.

I am also going on the assumption that PS3 has the strongest library because I believe it has won awards for best gaming library 2 of the last 3 years and will probably do it again this year and if fo that will be 3 of the last 4 years.

As for Nintendo games and the sales. Do I believe Nintendo games this gen have been their best? No, but you know what? Nobody can ever deny the strength of their brands like Mario, Donkey Kong or Zelda. I always expect their 1st party titles to rack in the most sales.

However sales do not determine quality and many seem to believe the PS3, when exclusives and multiplats are considered, has the most quality games overall.


Quality is subjective, I am just going on what the media is saying and my personal opinion on the libraries considering I had a taste of all this generation has had to offer.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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