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Just my take on what CGI said, if of course it hasn't been mentioned.

The rebound of the PS3 this gen does have a very good chance of insuring a strong future for the Playstation brand and this is why I think it is so.


Regardless of what happened at the start the PS3 has the chance right now to finish off this generation as the strongest console sales wise and library wise. Coming into what could be the home stretch the PS3 looks to be the strongest. All of this while also being the most expensive console with an entry point ~$100 more than it's competitors.

Finishing strong helps at the start of next gen rather than the strong start and weak finish. 

PS3 could have the momentum going into the next generation, especially now with their stacked 1st party.


This is of course unless they pull another $599.99 disaster out of their hats. However what has happened so far this gen only goes to show the brand power the Playstation has.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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