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Ronster316 said:

Prey is an FPS, it was one of the earlier ones available for the 360.

It's not everyones cup of tea as the reviews in the link below show...........

But for me, i loved the story, the puzzles were challenging (occasionally frustrating in a few cases but good overall) and the out of body experiences and trippy walking upside down physics made it a winner in my eyes.

Lastly, i picked this game back up a couple of months ago for the amazing price of £2.50 (it'll be cheap worldwide i suspect)

Heres metacritics Prey page............

oh, and lastly........ Get Quake 4 (it comes with a bonus disc that has Quake 2 on it) so thats 2 classics both dirt cheap.

Thanks for that. I find reviews are handy to get a general impression, but they are so often caught up in the zeitgeist, meaning some games are scored very oddly, getting well above, or well below, what they deserve. I'd rather have opinons of gamers who've recently been playing the games. If a lot of people tell me a game is good, it probably is, even if the reviews can barely scrape a 70. Equally, if lots of people tell me a game is over-rated, it probably is, even if it sits on a Meta of 96. I can think of several examples of both cases.

Btw: This rule doesn't apply to Mass Effect in any way. Regardless of what people say, it's awesome, even when the game itself may be deeply flawed in several ways. Awesome. Full stop.

Also, Quake 4? I'd've never considered it. I may see if I can spot that on the cheap. Thanks.