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AussieGecko said:
Hapimeses said:

Thanks very much for dropping in with your views. Again, it includes a few games I have on other platforms (Mass Effect and Gears), but does include one I know pretty much nothing about: Infinite Undiscovery. How's this one? Any reason to pick it up?

Yeah I chose series as opposed to single games, like mass effect imo you need 1 and 2 for the full story *shrugs* that may be just me haha, sort of same with Gears of War. But choosing 10 and having 3 odst, reach and 3 is kinda cheating for mine :)

Infinte Undiscovery is quite like Lost Oddysey as a little hidden gem, like Blue Dragon the best Turn Based games (ff type) have been on the 360 in those 3 imo. IU requires a bit more time in making things etc but if you get your head around it lots and lots of fun :)

Also Bayonetta if its not fixed on the ps3 you need this version :D

I agree about Mass Effect, fortunately I have 1&2 on the PC, so I'm covered. :D

As for the JRPGs, I think I'll keep an eye out for them all, see if I spot them on the cheap (or, at least, grab them from LoveFilm).

And I have Bayonette already. It plays perfectly well on PS3 after the patch.

Again, thanks for the recommendations.