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Mr Puggsly said:
vlad321 said:

You do realize that Bulletstrom was fashioned to be, more or less, like Painkiller and ended up being just a dumbed down, less original, console, version of Painkiller. When ti comes to murdering thousands of being with crazy weapons, Bullet storm is well behind SS and Painkiller.

Also, I hate modern games because they are dumbed down beyond any enjoyable form for anyone other than scrubs and noobs. There is no joy in a game that gives you infinite health, ruins your exploration with highlighting environment objects, or gives one button to press to jump/crouch/hide/etc. because god forbid people are too dumb to press a seperate buttons for crouch and jump. The list for dumbing down can keep on going and going.

P.S. Your talk of GFWL shows your ignorance.

PPS Don't be mad just because I rocked you and your ignorant views in the last 2 or 3 threads you decided to argue with me about something you don't know shit about.

Like I said, Bulletstorm has depth. Serious Sam and Painkiller do not. Finishing Serious Sam was literally a chore, I haven't mustered up the strength to finish Painkiller.

New games are dumbed down? Compared to mostly simplistic titles of past gens? Games of all gens are riddled in linear titles.

My talk of GFWL shows my ignorance? Because I have no problems with it? I've completed several games that use it and I've had no issue. Only intelligent people can't get it to work or something?

You rocked nothing sir. You just defend pirates and pretend PC gaming isn't struggling.

What depth? It has exactly as much depth as the others, which is get a gun and kill as many enemies as you can. It jsut happens to lack any of the "WHAT THE FUCK" factor of the originals.

Which mostly simplistic titles? I can name you a huge list of games which are far deeper than anything out this generatoin.

Just because you may be in the luck few % which have no problems with GFWL, does not mean GFWL isn't a terrible system which many have problems with.

Which i defended successfully while you stuck your fingers in yoru ears and basically shouted "lalalallalala," or came up with excuses a 4 year old would.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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