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Mr Puggsly said:
dsister said:
vlad321 said:

That is really shitty. The older releases aremuch better than the newer releases for the PC. If anyone you know has access to a high speed connection maybe they can download you some games and burn them for you. The older they are the smaller they are too.

haha, that it is. >__> 

My friends are pretty anti-piracy...They do help me download from Steam though. I'll pick up the two you suggested on Amazon, and play them over Spring break. But for now Bulletstorm.

Eh... I wouldn't recommend those suggested games to anyone. Serious Sam and Painkiller bored me to tears. They have no depth, Bulletstorm actually does. They are cheap though...

Vlad loves any old PC games and thinks all new games suck. I'd be reluctant to take suggestions from him.

You do realize that Bulletstrom was fashioned to be, more or less, like Painkiller and ended up being just a dumbed down, less original, console, version of Painkiller. When ti comes to murdering thousands of being with crazy weapons, Bullet storm is well behind SS and Painkiller.

Also, I hate modern games because they are dumbed down beyond any enjoyable form for anyone other than scrubs and noobs. There is no joy in a game that gives you infinite health, ruins your exploration with highlighting environment objects, or gives one button to press to jump/crouch/hide/etc. because god forbid people are too dumb to press a seperate buttons for crouch and jump. The list for dumbing down can keep on going and going.

P.S. Your talk of GFWL shows your ignorance.

PPS Don't be mad just because I rocked you and your ignorant views in the last 2 or 3 threads you decided to argue with me about something you don't know shit about.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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