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I'm late so I doubt this will help you now but fuck it, I like lists


1- Halo 3

2- Halo Reach

3- Alan Wake

4- Gears of War 1/2

5- Halo Wars

6- Fable 2/3

7- Crackdown 1 (don't bother with 2)

8- Mass Effect 1

9- Splinter Cell: Conviction

10- Lost Odyssey

XBLA. I have a criminally low amount of XBLA games but these are good

1- Shadow Complex (getitgetitgetit)

2- Toy Soldiers

3- Dishwasher: Vampire Smile

4- Geometry Wars 1/2

5- Duke Nukem 3D

6- Worms 1/2

The rest- Sonic 1-3 & Knuckles