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Doobie_wop said:
arcane_chaos said:

when it come to ME2 las mission you have to chose the right roles for the mission, like have tali do the crawling though tunnels part, garrus escort the crew members back, samara do the biotic fielding. make sure you also handle the confrantation between jack&miranda and tali&geth, you have to have a high renegade or paragon personality do deal with them peacefully. if you don't do loyalty missions or they aren't loyal they will most likely die...but I've heard rumors of people beating the came with non-loyal member and still survived.

but I do agree they're were some stupid decisions in the game, the Ps3 version has some bugs

I'm currently renting a 360 copy and a friends willing to sell me his 360 copy for $10, I want to replay it to see what kind of system the games using to make all these choices for me, but I also don't wanna end up creating like three save playthroughs, I feel like it'd ruin the game for me (like if I played Heavy Rain more than once).

Did you play it multiple times? How different was it each time?

well I'm on my 2nd playthrough on PS3 and third on my 360 and there's not a dramatic difference in gameplay the second/third time as I chose the soldier class again. but a second playthough makes it easier to do paragon/renegade decisions as you gain more points for for paragon/renegade  decisions and actions the second time around, especailly if you maxed out shepard character class.(if you''re doing a new game plus)your teamates also retain there character points and abilities as well(except for the loyal abilities) so you can plow through the game much faster.