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d21lewis said:

Dance Central: Best motion controlled game (my current addiction)

Alan Wake:  Best atmosphere/Exclusive graphics

Dead or Alive Xtreme 2:  Horrible game.  Best virtual boobies.  I got it for maybe $10

Halo 3/Halo Reach:  Best FPS's

Gears of War 2:  Possibly my favorite game this gen.......don't judge me.

Fable 2/3:  Most addicting (especially if you can find someone to go online with you)

Lost Odyssey:  Best JRPG this gen (hands down, in my opinion)

Splinter Cell Conviction:  Best use of Michael Ironside

Viva Pinata-Trouble in Paradise:  Best time waster

Ace Combat 6:  Best dog-fight simulator

Dead Rising:  Best use Frank West (HD, only)

Halo Wars:  Best RTS


Bonus:  XBLA list--some may be on PC.  Hell if I know:

Kingdom for Keflings/World of Keflings:  Best Animal Crossing ripoff (it's addicting as hell--I'm playing both at once!)

Beyond Good and Evil HD: Best last gen revival

Comic Jumper:  Most funny (the heir to Earthworm Jim's throne?)

Crash Course:  Most free.....(one could argue that Harm's Way, Hexic HD, and a few others are equally free, though)

Geometry Wars:  Purest gaming experience

Limbo:  Most brain busting

Pinball FX:  Most nostalgic (Pinball FX 2 is free, btw)

Shadow Complex:  Best downloadable game, ever.

Splosion Man:  Best platformer

Super Meat Boy:  Most meaty?

The Maw:  Most family friendly

Uno (with XBL Vision Camera):  Most likely to see real boobies from horny girls on the internet--has a few features not found in other versions, too.

---it was tough not tossing in some of the other XBLA games and I know I named a lot more than ten.  Sorry bout that.


Thanks for dropping in. Much awesomeness in there. To tackle some specifics:

List 1: Dance Central (own it already; bought it with the 360); Alan Wake (forgot about this...); DoA (Best virtual boobies, eh?); Halo 3 (own), Reach (I'll complete 3 first); Gears 2 (it's a must); Lost Odyssey (is it really that good? -- regardless, I'm sold); the rest (I'll get to those later, once I'm done with my first batch of games).

List 2: UNO with boobs? Really? The PSN version is now officially shit! Also, are there really boobs? Like, really? I forget the other games you mention. BOOBS!