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There is a 2DS available, it is called the DSi, it is a last generation handheld now.

I don't think there will be much of a market for a 2D only version of the 3DS system, probably next to nothing; the graphical quality of the games benefits a huge amount from the 3D, and they look fairly bland and lifeless in 2D. The pricing likely won't go down a lot either, as the games are developed to meet certain hardware characteristics, which includes the 800x240 screen, the processor, RAM, etc... Not to mention the development costs - the tech is cheap to reproduce, but the dev costs were probably fairly pricey. Not to mention, creating a non-3D 3DS would be the same as creating a non-HD PS3, it just was never going to happen due to similar reasons to the ones I listed above.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.