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bdbdbd said:

@Teo: Yes, it's a big company, but they're not going to be sitting on their fat asses if there's no money to be made, just take a look what Stringer did to get Sony back on their feet, as the company has been a disaster for the last decade.

Very true, consolidating multiple branches into one, cutting staff by a lot, but those will just patch the bleeding, to heal they need more fixed and mostly around their design philosophy, mostly getting back to their roots and what made them popular (IE what made most of like them, like my Sony walkman CD player that was expensive as hell but lasted me over 10 years)

They've got other issues, one being that they're a horizontal monopoly, but that's something the government should be handling even though they're not.

But big corporations it's harder to run them out of business, but it's easier to run them out of a business venture as there are others to back them up, and games is just another venture to them, it's not their bread and butter.

My hopes are that Sony makes the NGP for games sake and not for useless additional technology sake... that design has hurt them twice already, the PS2 added technology but not too much, it kept the costs low (even if poor R&D made them sell at a loss), it kept players coming, and it was a platform more open to developers as they were already familiar with PS1 and the PS2 just built upon that.

Anyway that's my two cents on that subject since that's kinda off topic from the OP, even if it did mention Sony, NGP, PS3 and such

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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