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Every week at some point of the internet somebody point to a Final Fantasy VII remake, the "holy grail" of the remakes; truth is that the grail can turn into a cheap plastic vase.

FF VII was released 14 years ago, time hasn't been particulary nice with this game, still has a lot of great things the character design is quite good, the music is oustanding and the background graphics are still beautiful in some areas; but in my opinion gameplay is quite repetitive (even for a old school JRPG), some of the special attacks are quite irrelevant (I can count the times that Vicent and Caith Sith were useful with my single hand), the game is full of filler scenes and events (again What's the point of dressing Cloud as a girl???), and most important the story goes downhill after the Nibelheim incident.

Now remakes can be a huge step up for some games when they took the good things from the original and introduce new elements (Resident Evil is the perfect example) but with FF VII you have so many components in the game that the result could be just a simple HD upgrade of the game that'll show all the issues that the original has; more important Why nobody is asking for a Final Fantasy VI remake?? That game was much better than VII or a FF VIII remake?? The game that has so many tings to fix.

Yep, I guess FF VII remake is just a fans dream. A really annoying dream.