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megaman79 said:
mrstickball said:

After reading up on PPP, they are a Democrat pollister firm which is usually employed by Democrats to provide biased, targeted polling. They've readily admitted to it, too.:

According to PPP, they were paid to poll North Carolina's senatorial seat in 2010, and stated that Richard Burr was one of the most vunerable candidates in the nation. In reality, Mr. Burr won the seat by the largest majority in state history:

Hold on. You can't source right wing articles as evidence for biased left wing polling companies, that makes no sense.

And regardless, 400 people is enough to guage a significant enough opinion on one single minor issue (its minor because racial segregation is illegal, end of story).

So you believe fabricated the very words of PPP staff that they were actively rooting for Democratic candidates during the polling process? If so, you should advise PPP to consider a lawsuit against them.

You can easily find PPP's bias, just look at their Richard Burr polling data. Did you bother looking at that? Or is Wikipedia a right-wing site too?

PPP was founded by a Democrat pollister:

You can find a lot of other reading about PPP through other sites like the National Review:

I never said 400 people isn't enough to gauge opinion, I am questioning how they sampled these 400 people. Given that they had a very high sample size of those age 65 , its reasonable to believe there is a heavy bias to show that Republicans disapprove of interracial marriage. Given that the approval ratings for interracial marriage are heavily tied to age (as favoritism has gone up every year as newer people take the polls), it really makes you question why they sampled so many older people.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.