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Will the ps3 make a net profit taking the ps3 hardware and software revenue and subtracting the net loss from research, marketing, selling consoles at a loss, and all the other things. I see it as kind of a long shot, not impossible but unlikely.

On the other hand there are several other things that sell directly related to the ps3 that could never be accurately calculated. How many ps2s were sold simply because a parents child wanted a ps3 from them for x-mas or birthday and the parent simply could not afford it. How many ps2 games are being sold that are exclusively played on a ps3. You would have to give a big percentage of the blu ray sales to the ps3. Not to mention it being a prime reason the war between hd-dvd is drawing to an end, when at one time it looked like hd-dvd may prevail. I'm sure there are many people who bought a psp because it could be used with the ps3. Like stated before sony hd tvs have been sold solely because of the ps3. All these things can never be calculated with the ps3 but were sold by Sony because of it.

So will Sony as a whole make a net profit off of the ps3? More than certain it will even if it doesn't look like on financial reports about the ps3 itself.