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Diomedes1976 said: y-koron said: Diomedes1976 said: Well ,it had nearly half a million prereservations so most of these japs must be going to the shop to take theirs .We know wich will be the best seller of this week (and month ) .Curious to see how much PSP will be sold this week ,there were many packs of the console plus the game and extras on offer . As far as I know, in many shop, MHP2 is in good demand. Probably, the sales of first week will become at least 400k. And it is paid a lot of attention how much will the total sales become. But there is unfavorable rumor about PSP. "MHP2 is in quick sale, but the sales of PSP don't improve so much." So, some says "the sales of MHP2 might get depressed next week, because PSP can't get new users." Well it manages new users each week ...I dont get this kind of ideas .Its like when someone says "if there are PS3 in the stores is because everybody who wanted one has one already " then the sales would be zero from then on .
Of cource, I think so. It is not good way to conclude about the sales of MHP2 by only the sales of PSP in one day. Probably, it shows the demand of PSP for MHP2 was dispersed former weeks and many users who want MHP2 already have PSP.

If you need something about Japanese market from the perspective of Japanese, please contact me.