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RolStoppable said:
d21lewis said:

Wasn't their philosophy "Kick ass, take names, and make games"?

Yes, and now it's "slap 3D on everything and be done with it" instead of making games.

Then I guess one could argue with Wii it was, 'slap motion controls on everything and be done with it.'

Nintendo is following the same philosophy but carrying it further.

.The system is moderately powerful, not high-end.

.It has its 'hook' (3D) just like Wii.

. It is a bit expensive, but that doesn't mean they went against their philosophy. Didn't they say a few years back that they wish they had priced the Wii at $300 because it would have sold just as well? Well they are learning from that 'mistake'.

All those core gamers that want 3DS will buy one, then later on it will get a price drop and start selling even more to people who didn't want it at the $250 price.

It will still be cheaper than NGP because NGP will, I have no doubt, come out at a higher price than $250 and Nintendo can afford to drop the price by the time it releases.

The only thing that changed with their strategy is that they are trying to attract third parties more and have more  features than before.

.All those DS games that made it a force to reckon with will come.