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Well, off my brother i got a 700 dollar EB games gift card for xmas, and i went in there today and was looking at a few games realising i had 300 bucks spare cash on me so i brought a few xbox 360 games with the cash and was trying to think what else to possibly buy.

I ended up walking out with a 40 gig PS3 and ninja gaiden sigma

 I had one when they were first released a 60 gig one, but i sold it because the titles didn't appeal to me, but it seems a few good games are comming out this year.

Please don't hate me. Lol

PSN username: Jessman_Aus

Xbox live username: Jessman_Aus


Current Consoles: Xbox 360 Elite, Playstation 2, Gaming Rig, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3.

Xbox Live: Jessman_Aus - Playing: Ace Combat 6, Fifa 09

Playstation Network: Jessman_Aus - Playing: MGS4, Resistance 2

Wii Freind Code: 3513-9191-8534-3866 - Playing: SSBB

Brawl Code: 1590-6125-1250

Xfire: J3ssman - Playing: Fallout 3, Farcry 2

Jessman: Fears the Mangina