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radiantshadow92 said:
morenoingrato said:
radiantshadow92 said:
dark_gh0st_b0y said:

Japanese and their RPG's.....

wait until FF/DQ/Tales of/Pokemon/Mario/Animal Crossing/Zelda, come out for 3DS

Old games are old. Why is everyone just saying "nintendo just needs "x" game" and its just the same old games -_-...Jesus enough with the mario =p

Because they still haven't released anything like it on 3DS?

The argument works well with Wii or DS, that are flooded with those games, but with 3DS..... what do you expect, it need Infamous 2?

Atleast infamous is a new ip.......if people keep buying the same shit then we are going to keep seeing the same shit over and over again. Guess what the 3DS is going to get after mario and pokemon? More Mario and pokemon -_-

This  is so ridiculously biased it's a classic example of the type of fanboy bs that's making some people not want to bother with this fine site anymore (and this is coming from someone who is a fan of all 3).

Personally, I'll reserve judgement on Infamous 2 until it hits the shelves. The first was decent, but hardly earth shattering so I don't think I'd rate the iNfamous series as the next great console shifting  killer game franchise just yet. A new ip? Sure, but hardly original. It's quite derivative actually. Besides, this is a discussion about Japan sales and I can't recall InFamous, (orKILLZONE or Heavy Rain) selling well in's usually the 'same shit' like Monster Hunter and rpg series that boost console sales over there.

The only reason Sony have pushed it's newer ip's so hard this gen is because they've lost their exclusivity with certain BIGGER game franchises such as GTA, Resident Evil, FF etc,which they have previously relied on to help push sales of their consoles and ensure their ww dominance, but aside from a few titles I think any old idiot can see that pretty much the 'same shit' is also released on every sony console so far as well. But obviously some people don't see it that way when they have preference for one company over another.