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The Nintendo 3DS is expensive (25,000 Yen) and barely has any software out for it. Give it time. It's firmly within the early adopters stage and it's not unusual for early adopter devices to have a big buzz at launch and then quickly die down soon after. The Nintendo 3DS had a huge launch in North America but the numbers will soon die down here as well. $250 is a fucking lot for a dedicated gaming handheld. That's the reality of the situation. The hardest of the hardcore of Nintendo fans went out and pre-ordered it/Day 1'd it. But the less rabid will look at that $250 price tag and think "that's a lot of fucking dough for a gaming handheld" and then look at the game selection and then decide that it's best to wait it out until the game selection improves and the price goes down. It's all about the Nintendo diehards and early tech adopters right now. It'll be a long while before the 3DS reaches mass market. Heck it even took the DS over a year and a half to get into it's groove (DS Lite launch is when the DS really started to hit a stride).