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sapphi_snake said:
vlad321 said:

Absolute bullshit. The Byzantine Empire is what preserved culture trouughout all of Europe. While France is the oldest technically, they were absolutely pathetic compared to all the knowledge and culture preserved in the Byzantine Empire. Saying the Moors perserved culture is as stupid as saying the Catholic church perserved culture.

In fact, Muslims fucked everything up. When the Ottoman empire took over the Byzantine Empire, the Renaissance had basically just begun in Constantinople. In fact the Renaissance happened because of the immigration of great thinkers from the Byzantine Empire to Italy.

You can ignore history and all. It won't change. I provided a link that proves my point. And what do the Ottomans have to do with this? I was talking about the Moors.

Oh perfect, a link to wikipedia, thare's some great historical knowledge there. That was dripping with sarcasm, if you couldn't tell. I hate to break your bubble, but wikipedia is worse than a hobo on the corner when it comes to historical knowledge.

You seem to have yoru facts completely wrong, claiming that the Moors perserved culture and started the Renaissance is just silly. I also never said anything about the Moors, I was just blaming the Ottomans for slowing down the Renaissance, which comes from the Byzantines, not the Moors.

Edit: TO make sure you are aware what I am saying. The Moors did have culture and science, that is correct. However they are NOT responsible for perserving culture/knowledge that later led to the Renaissance. That was solely and entirely the Byzantines' doing. The culture in Europe exists because of them, not the Moors. Except for Spain of course.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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