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I said none, but that also isn't exactly true, but for the purposes of this it is.

I view absolutely all religious scripts and origin stories as most people view fairy tales (seriosuly, I dare you to come up with a good argument how the qoran or the bible are somehow different than king arthur, make my day). I am however interested as to how and why peop[le in different regions came to believe in these tales. It is obvious that different cultures and different geographical areas have their own tale, but I'm curious as to why the tales are so different at times. Furthermore I'm interested why some folowers of a given tale are considered more successful than others. Though that last one is not as hard to see.

I just go by statistics, and in the grand scheme of things, me writing this very post has a probability of 0, literally. So any given religion to be actually right because of blind shots in the dark (there is no real evidence for any god in any religion) has a probability of 0, therefore I view all religions as being completely and utterly wrong. Because that is most likely the case. To me this story (seriosuly, read it, it will blow your mind) which is 5 pages long is just as likely to be right as any other religion out there, and any religion that comes in the future without any hard facts behind it. That is, 0 percent chance of being right.

To me, maybe something created us, or maybe not. Maybe it's an entire species of beings with each one taking care of a universe or many, and I bet you all the buddies of our god are making fun of him because he fucked up his so bad. Maybe there is no sentient being at all and we're just another random way that atoms interact with each other. There are infinitely many possibilities and treating any of them as correct, much less living your life based on it, is just foolish. Again 1/infinity is 0 and that's what the chance of any religion being right is.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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