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Sales Discussion - EMAA up - View Post

yo_john117 said:
LivingMetal said:
Metallicube said:

Wii is doing respectable considering it has basically no games right now. PS3 is doing ok, but lest we forget, it is available in more markets in EMAA, so it's almost automatically going to win every week here on out, thus is deserves to be judged more harshly IMO. The question will be by how much will it win EMAA each week.

No one is going to buy something they don't want regardless of where it's available.

Yeah but the point is its available in markets where the Wii and 360 aren't hence part of the reason why its selling better in EMEAA.

True, it's just one of the reasons, but Metallicube has said time and time again he thinks that it makes the numbers unfair.  And with this I disagree, because being available in more areas is just Sony utilizing their resources like MS making XBL or Nintendo making games that sell like gangbusters or having a dedicated fanbase.  Is it unfair that Sony's machine is the most expensive?  no, because that's Sony's fault, just like it is Nintendo's and MS's fault that they haven't expanded out into more countries for distribution.
