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slowmo said:

CGI you're kind of being pedantic and not calling it fair as you stated you would at all really.  It's quite clear the game is up their in a lot of reviewers eyes.  What is the number of reviews you would accept as being your "limit" before you agree it is up there as the best?  If you put your figure out there then that would be more transparent and fair, at the moment it seems if 10 reviewers called it outright you would still try and deny it.  I didn't mean this as insulting in any way, just the impression you get when you read the thread from my viewpoint.

In CGI's defense, I only saw 3 that flat out claimed it was the best: IGN, Electripig, and XG247.  XXL Gaming is debatable.  All the rest use words like "might" or "right there" or specifies genre like "FPS" or "shooter".

I don't care one way or another, I haven't played it yet, but look forward to doing so.  Personally, I hope its the best, but I think its up to interpretation.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS