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Seinor , you need to see that on here mostly are teens that dont understand anything about graphics... And also mostly of them are upset because Xbox 360 can get this level of detail that Ps3 cant.

Fact 1 : Many publications are saying Crysis 2 is the best looking game ever , including IGN (Most visited site on Planet) and CVG (British most visited site) so at least 3 milions of people will think Crysis 2 is the best among Casual Gamers.

Fact 2 : Ps3 fanboy are in denial because 360 horsepower just raped Ps3... Kingdoms and Gears 3 will be leaps and bounds above anything Sony 1st party will have to offer in the next years.

Fact 3 : If Crysis 2 looks already the best imagine Kingdoms... Plus Crysis 2 is not a mindless shooter in corridors and small maps like Kz3... its HUGE , VIVID and OUTSTANDING.

Let the Ps3 fanboys in denial , just stop and think about their faces when they SEE at E3 KINGDOMS , GEARS OF WAR 3 AND FORZA MOTORSPORT 4!

HAHA that time i will be here seeing the cry babies saying Uncharted 3 looks better and than See Kingdoms and Gears 3 raping all over their faces.
