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Japanese developers really have no choice. Unless their game is a massive seller, or sells massively in the west, there's just no way it can make a profit on the PS3. Development costs are too high and user base too low.

The same is not true in the West where 360 has proven itself selling software and while PS3 hasn't it can ride the 360's coattails. Also western developers make games that are generally violent, something that does not sell well on Wii (unless your shooting zombies). So they have less incentive than Japanese.

However... Small to mid-sized publishers are starting to get creamed because mediocore games are NOT selling well on 360/PS3 but still costs a LOT to make. Ultimately more and more will have to resort to Wii to survive, but that doesn't mean bringing the same game to the Wii. It means learning to cater to the audience that the Wii has, so I'd expect more new IPs than current 'big titles'.