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Problems with Pure Capitalism:

Poor to poorer, the Rich get Richer 

What happens is once you get poor your childern cant afford an education, and they enter the circle of damanation, moving into crime and poverty like there parents. And since you can hit rock bottom in your idea of pure non supportive government faster, what you would get is poor people getting trapped into being poor, they cant get an education to get higher wagers or better jobs and they are left with the low end very low paid jobs . That creates an even worst situation. 

The biggest Problem in the US right now is that Education is not free for all and University cant be accessed by all (because they cant afford it), that results higher crime levels and rising numbers in street gangs. 


I live in an Capitalist-Socialist society here in Australia. And its great 

the fact is right now i have been given an HEC loan from the governement to pay for my education which i pay back when i start earning an certain amount of money so i can pay it back and its also low interest. this means that anyone can go to uni and get an education even the poorest of kids and adults. 

Also if i am to drop sick, No american situation of i cant afford it so no treatment for me. Universal free health care the thing thats got me stumped on why americans dont want (problerly because the objectors are so stupid from cant affording education to know any better). Sure Private hosipitals are better but at least i can go to hosipital and not depend on health care insurance. 

Communism greatest factor is that everyone has an job and an home, gets paid and gets feed and treated no matter who you are. Capitism greatest factor is that you can own you own business and anyone can strick it rich and live the luxuaries from such sucess, and also owning your own home. 

Now thats what we need. We have something like that but our governments waste our money like on an smart card public transport ticketing system worth 2 billion dollars(on city of 4 million btw) that  doesn't even work. yea nice job guys. 

Of Course That's Just My Opinion, I Could Be Wrong