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lestatdark said:
Conegamer said:
lestatdark said:
Smeags said:
lestatdark said:

That's nice! That will be helpful when i'm EV training the rest of my Battle Station team

I usually don't name boxes, except for Legendary and Shiny boxes. The rest of them, I organize pokemon in National Pokedex numeration order.

Speaking of shinies, have you found any in the new games?

Not a single one! Kinda bummed, but then again, the only shiny Pokemon I found in SoulSilver (besides Red Gyarados of course) was a Shiny Geodude. I raised it and named him Goldlem ('cause he's gold )

I've only found a Shiny Patrat, which has blue eyes  

On SS I found a couple of them, but I've haven't had similar luck on Black/White. 

So, for shinies, you give one to the women in Lostlorn forest right? And she gives you a female Zoruak, for breeding?

At least, that's what I heard :/

The shiny beasts? You don't actually give them to woman in the Lostlorn Forest, you just need to have one in your team and then the scene will play out. 

It would be a slight spoiler to tell what happens though, but you don't have to worry about losing the Shiny beast that you carry in your team.

Well, AT LEAST it happens anyway, I thought it was a whole 'Mew under the truck!' thing...

Cmon Shiny pokemon, COME FORTH TO ME!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.