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inFamous. said:
Hold on one second before jumping all over the op's was a little harsh but those were all solid facts people...

The xbox brand has had it's first ever successful back-to-back software "year"...Gears, Bioshock, Halo, Mass Effect..all great games. Now all Sony had to do in order to begin outselling x360..was lower the price of it's machine to $399.

According to internet extremists.."ps3 has no games"..well what I see is Playstation brand power alone, crushing four of 360's bigest aaa hits. THAT alone is a bad sign for ms..

Sony has tons of creed with the brand - and they have touted it as the cheapiest BR player on the market. Those two elements, and a new sku at $399 made the holidays awesome for Sony. However, they are still taking big losses on every PS3 they sell, and yeah, it's still leading in weekly sales, but just wait until mid spring to see if that trend keeps up. If I were in a race, and a competitor was hitting faster times than me, would I really care? Nah ... because I am in the lead.

MS has dropped the price of the 360 down $50 in its 2-year lifespan. Just once. Sony? In a year, it's had 2 price cuts, 4 different skus, 2 deleted skus JUST to keep it competitive.

And for most folks, there's no compelling reason to jump to BR even in light of the Warner announcement. It's better than DVD, but not by much.

Blu Ray *winning* will have some folks moving into the HD arena, but not as many as you think. When folks don't know the difference between an HDTV, HDMI and HD DVD,  you have some problems ...