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arcane_chaos said:
Conegamer said:
lestatdark said:

Finally, after 50 tediously slow levels, Deino evolved into Zweilous. Just 14 more to go till Hydreigon >_<.

Whomever thought that it was a good idea to put such high levels to evolve pokemon should be fired from Game Freak D:

And yet, in the battle with Ghetsis...

Absolutely terrible to kill, took me so DAMN LONG and it killed SO MANY of my team...even Reshirom >.<

OMG this!!! that guy nearly knocked out my enite team(it took out Zekrom,Haxorus,Emboar,andUnfeazent) thank the heavens I got a critical hit with my Zebstika's wild charge while holding and electric gem!!!

Indeed O.o

He took out my Excadrill, Emboar, Zebstrika, Corricosta and Reshirom, just a good job his health was worn down and he didn't use a full restore...

I swear, he has a move which is super effective against EVERYTHING


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.