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vlad321 said:

You make it sound like if you don't know a good build in Dota you will somehow still do well. Or that one particular gameplay function for one specific hero somewho sets the entire game. Hate to break it to you but that's one of 71 champions. Furthermore, absolutely everything you said that happens in LoL also happens in DOTA, except worse because when you die not only does what you said apply, but it is even more punishing. That also applies for every character, not just one specific, cherrypicked one. Dota is a much more punishing game, therefore if you aren't good, it is much less forgiving, which means that LoL is more noobed up.

Good for them, if by new art you mean that they will be like the new looks of annie, evelynn, katarina, and twitch, then the Chinese are definitely getting shafted.

P.S. Swain is very much not like the wretched hag, the two even have completely and utterly different strategies. In fact there isn't a wretched hag/QoP inspired hero in LoL yet who's goal is to blink around.

While there are some art that suck in the Chinese variation, Annie isn't one of them as she fits her lolicon look quite well. Lux sucks for her main skin, but her sorcorer skin is epic. Master Yi is ok.

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