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AWESOM-O said:
Michael-5 said:

I used to be die hard GT, but I've learned to prefer Forza. Forza Motorsport 3 fixed a lot of issues that bugged me with GT games. Although GT5 largly removed these issue, I can't play a simulation racing game outside of in car view anymore. I don't care if it's a 1997 Civic Si or a Bugatti Veyron. I want to be in the drivers seat. lol.

Still I get every racing game I can as well. I even have Race Pro. Competition is what fuels gaming. If Wii and 360 never came out, why would Sony switch from the PS2?

I like your views on gaming, it's nice to see an opinion on VGC that isn't strongly biased.

Yeah gt still has alot of problems to fix.... but i do respect them for what theyve done for racing games.... Ive played more gt5 than forza 3 but there both 9.5 in my book.... forza 4 though will set a new standard for racing today.... The in car view thing with gt5 does bother me... i mean whats the big deal with throwing 1,000 cars in a game if all of em arent perfect... but i give em credit with these patches, the games is alot better than it was launch day.... Yea i love racing games.... waite race pro? didnt atari make that?? haha i think ive played that... that an exclusive xbox 360 game... but yeah i play anything racing.... even formula 1 and nascar.... I hate watching them on tv but the games are always fun.... which reminds me i think im gonna get the new nascar 2011 game at the end of the month hahaha.... I hope that game does well on the wii, its the first simulation game on the wii supposably.... but il get it for the ps3 this time... cause my xbox sooner or later will get bulletstorm

What I like about Forza 3 is that it gave gamers the same quality game as GT5, with a much shorter development time, and Turn 10 released Forza 2, a full racing game, while gamers waited. I'm big on the racing games, thats one reason I got my 360 a lot sooner then my PS3, and I think the wait for GT5 was unbearable.

There was a simulation racing game on the Wii back in 2007, I forget the name, but it sold poorly. Race Pro was a 6-7/10 game by Atari, nothing special. I love racing games too, but unlike you I don't play NASCAR or F1. I mainly like games that have real world, street legal cars in them. So Forza, GT, NFS, Test Drive, PGR, Race Pro, and GRID are the type of games I enjoy. Mind you Mario Kart is a special exception to the rule.

GT5 is a great game, but not far from perfect like many gamers expected it to be. 1,000 cars is nice, and the game definatly has a distinct GT feel, but the difference in quality between standard and prenium cars in too much for me. PGR3, a small budget 2005 launch title had in car view on all 80 cars in game, Test Drive had it on all 125 cars in 2006, Forza 2 had in car view on 350 cars in 2007, and Forza 3 now has over 500 cars with high level of detail and in car view. I would much rather of had GT5 have 800 cars, with 200 prenium cars, and 600 standard cars, with in car view at least to PGR3 levels. Also to be fair, a lot of these 1,000 cars are repeats. Identical cars, with identical compenents, but minor changes. e.g. there are 13 S2000's, but only 4 of them are different mechanically. Euro Spec IS300 is the exact same as US spec, and the differences between some cars is literally a different style head light.

However, special features, and licencing still make this game awesome. GT has always tried to make the gamer a better racer, and taking that Lotus Elise around the Top Gear Test Track feels soo much realer then anything in Forza. Wish the whole game were up to that level of quality, and I hope Forza 4 can match this.

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