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ssj12 said:
vlad321 said:
ssj12 said:
vlad321 said:
ssj12 said:
Machina said:

Wretched Hag probably.

Oh wait, wrong one :/

oh you play the bad DOTA game. Ok then.

Except that it is not. LoL is a dumbed down game that's been made easier for the scrubs. Call me when you lose gold upon death.

LoL is also free. And you have to work for your gold. I can go half the match with only being able to afford tier 1 items if i don't kill minions at all. Which can happen mattering the enemy champs.

Also LoL's menus are cleaner. I hated the DOTA mods for WC3 so me liking LoL is odd.

It doesn't matter when and how you get an item, the relative difference in power of champions matter. In DOTA, if you didn't kill mionons you were at just as big if not bigger disadvantage than in LoL. Considering that LoL is far more forgiving, you don't lose gold when killed, it does not punish mistakes as much as DOTA, and is therefore scrub friendlier.

Price and menus have absolutely no bearing on gameplay so they are utterly irrelevant.

dont punish as much? I just got my ass destroyed because I still have yet to figure out a decent alternate Cho build. Also Cho loses a lot of health when he dies. You screw up, you die. You die to often, your not getting the tools needed to actually help your team, your team loses.

Also, it is obviously not a bad game since WCG decided to continue it their professional league's 2011 season. And they are also releasing the game in China with new art, most looking better then Amerca's >.>

@machine - the LoL character Swain sounds similar to that character.

You make it sound like if you don't know a good build in Dota you will somehow still do well. Or that one particular gameplay function for one specific hero somewho sets the entire game. Hate to break it to you but that's one of 71 champions. Furthermore, absolutely everything you said that happens in LoL also happens in DOTA, except worse because when you die not only does what you said apply, but it is even more punishing. That also applies for every character, not just one specific, cherrypicked one. Dota is a much more punishing game, therefore if you aren't good, it is much less forgiving, which means that LoL is more noobed up.

Good for them, if by new art you mean that they will be like the new looks of annie, evelynn, katarina, and twitch, then the Chinese are definitely getting shafted.

P.S. Swain is very much not like the wretched hag, the two even have completely and utterly different strategies. In fact there isn't a wretched hag/QoP inspired hero in LoL yet who's goal is to blink around.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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