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soccerdrew17 said:

whie i commend ur opinion on the reason for having it on wii, im not ok with the attacks.

no online is needed for kh. enough said there.

graphics are as good as devs make them. i personally like good graphics (what?!?! graphics improving a game?) so a more powerful system is better. art style can as far as a team wants to invest in it. and no, just because a game looks good shouldnt mean i shouldnt ask for better. im paying for a game, i want quality all around. saying that certain games, look good enough isnt an excuse.

the demographic of kh is rpg fans who loved disney from their childhood, not children. its a game to bring back disney memories, not make them.

ur reasons:

1) it would be stupid to go away from where a good chunk of the base is, playstation. the wii might have the amount of systems, but has no proof of whether se could get more sales than from ps3. ps3 will gauntee them a lot of sales, period.

2)who says the wii has the technical ablities to make an arpg, like kh, control scheme work? i havent seen any proof. and if u say no more hero's thats a lie because they have different styles


dont attack, give reasons. and if u cant, dont lie.


As I said, the Art Style is more important than the Graphics, but you're acting as if there's no room for advancement on the Wii. Wii is plenty more capable than the PS2 is, so the idea that there won't be any way to see improvement is just ridiculous. Advancing the graphics beyond a certain point would become almost jarring after the first 2 games. Keeping a consistent art style is also important, especially when you're talking about Disney characters. The graphical capabilities of the PS3 would become greatly redundant.

As for Demographics, it's implausible to assume RPG as the main market and Disney as some subclass within that group. It sure as heck isn't what interested me about the game. Disney was as much a draw of the series as Final Fantasy was, and probably moreso. Yes, it's a game to bring back Disney memories, but are you really trying to make the claim that they're only trying to bring that memory back for Hardcore rpg fans? NO. To the average Kingdom Hearts fan, it is the story and characters that are the main point to the series, and the gameplay is what supports it. The Disney characters are NOT what supports the gameplay.

In this aspect, the people who will see this game and be interested in it are going to be fans of the series to start, and fans of Disney. Many of those Disney fans are in the much older 26-60 range that are such a huge part of the Wii install base, as well as younger children with parents who grew up on Disney and would be perfectly happy to introduce their children to some of the same memories.


1) As you said, it would be stupid to go away from where a good chunk of the base is. A good chunk of the base is casual gamers. A good chunk of PS2 gamers aren't the hardcore that picked the thing up at $399 but only picked it up after it dropped down under $200 and many more still didn't go until it dropped down to its current $129. To say that these same people will immediately jump ship to PS3 is iffy at best.

2) I can list any game I want to list in terms of motion controls because as I said, it's a lack of scope and imagination on the part of whoever is claiming it can't be done. Why do I not come up with examples? That's simply a matter that there is no way of claiming to know what the basic control scheme would NEED to be for KH3. For all you know, maybe they feel like making it a little more actiony than RPGish this time around. I don't know what changes have been made from KH1 to KH2 so i'm not assuming to know what will happen in KH3.

Why on earth would you need 1 to 1 motion when your swinging a keyblade around? you could put together a perfectly feasible system with nothing more than tilt, twist, and motion horizontal and motion vertical. and possibly a thrust. Magic can be done with the nunchuck hand, or for those dual weilding keyblade moments, you can have that mirror the wiimote motion controls. you've still got A, B, D pad on one side and C, Z, and joystick on the other, as well as the pointer for onscreen interaction. There is plenty of room to play around and find a good control scheme.

Just look at Twilight Princess. It was merely a port of a gamecube game, but the Wiimote controls worked fine for that. Sora doesn't even typically use different Weapons, so you could replace Link's numerous Items with sora's spells, you could even put his various swords to quickslots on the 1 and 2 buttons to let you switch between your favorite keyblades more quickly. blocking could be done by holding the Wiimote pointing down... the list of ways in which features could be implemented and in what ways goes on infinitely.


so as you can see, I wasn't attacking, I had just taken for granted that these points were obvious enough that I wouldn't need to show my reasoning. 

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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