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Look, so heres the deal. I recently got my little brother lego indiana jones 2 for his birthday. I also have lego star wars the complete saga (in fact it was my first ever game on PS3). I thought at first that they were too young for me buy man was i wrong. When i first had lego star wars complete saga me and my brothers had so much fun playing it and even played it when we had finished it it was so fun. We then got Lego indiana jones 1 and i must be honest. I did not like it. But then i got 2! it is so fun now it seems lego games improve everytime a new game comes out. they are challanging but not too hard, fun, very interactive. you can now even create your own levels in indiana jones 2. For me it doesnt get much better.

But... for some reason not many people like it. Do you find it fun? because i am starting to think that people dont play lego games just because they think they are to old and if thats true i think its a real shame. Love to hear your views on this as i feel i need to know.

Wait... does this mean im not human?

PSN addy - mrx95

A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. - Nelson Mandela

A radical is a man with his feet planted firmly in the air. - Franklin.D.Roosevelt