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highwaystar101 said:

Hey two mentions already, well I'm happy now.

People I would like to meet -

1. D21Lewis - Do I need to explain? The guy is full of awesome.

2. Kasz216 - I could see a night of good discussions if we ever met up.

3. Lolita - She seems like a nice woman, and we seem to have things to talk about. Also, she picked me.

4. SamuelRSmith - More or less the same reason as Kasz..

5. Scoobes - Intelligent and wise user, I think he's kind of person I could learn a lot from.

It's a shame I have to limit it to five. Other mentions I guess would be Soleron, Happy Squirrel, Slimebeast, Trashleg, Rath and RocketPig.

I do have to say, I am pretty awesome.