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Mr Khan said:
Mummelmann said:

Projector tech is still damn expensive and is poorly optimized for smaller screen sizes, this would effectively make the console not only the one with the worst picture quality (the surface on which you project the image will also play a huge role in picture quality and, besides, you can hook up your console to a projector anyhow, making the console itself being a projector rather useless) but also the one that cost the most.

A rather unimaginable thing in my opinion.

The bigger problem being sound, i would think, unless the system also came with speakers, or what?

Yeah, you would need a separate speaker system for that. Also, motion controls with normal tracking really won't work too well once the screen reaches a certain size and beyond, the movements themselves will be far too cumbersome and the whole device would be moot, unless you move really far away from the screen, which makes the whole idea of a big screen to begin with utterly useless.