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It feels awkward, but let's see (and I'm not going to go by the 5 person rule):

- Priteshmodi: We agree on a lot of things, and he seems like a great guy to hang around with.

- yo_john117: Another great guy whom I enjoy talking to (and we're the same age).

- Fab_GS: We both live in Saudi Arabia, we're the same age, and are both JRPG music fans. Need I say more?

- Carl and Darth: I would just laugh my ass off meeting them both in person. That is all.

- Mendicate Bias: Very reasonable guy, and overall a great person.

- CGI: Great guy, reasonable, and we're both horror enthusiasts.

- Ssenkadahvic: I could talk for days and days with this guy about Sierra games, Sir Tech games, and various anime.

- Xen: Because politically, we're enemies. But really, we share quite a bit in common when it comes to game tastes, and he's overall a chill person.

- Ragebot: Same as Xen. Plus he's my age.

- Kasz: Wouldn't mind sitting down with this guy and having a political debate.

- Khuutra: Same as Kasz, though I also could discuss certain games with him, like Castlevania.

- Also wouldn't mind meeting some of the girls here (whose names I won't mention).

There's definitely more, but those are what come to mind at the moment.

Surprised nobody mentioned Snake612 yet.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!