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milkyjoe said:
Resident_Hazard said:

The bottom line is that the core Nintendo fan doesn't buy anything that isn't made by Nintendo, so why bother developing for the systems?  And Nintendo fans seem to have some sort of problem with first-person games or anything with a plotline more mature than your average saturday-morning cartoon.*



*Slight exaggeration.  But seriously, when you see what I see--where the Nintendo kiddies prefer the childish ham-fisted anime-style writing of Metroid Other M to the mature, thoughtful discovery and exploration-based narrative of Western-produced Metroid Prime games...   Well, clearly Nintendo supporters aren't interested in mature Western gaming anyway.  How many of you bought Eternal Darkness?  Compared to the Japanesey games on the GameCube, seems like it was just me.

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars and Dead Space Extraction were Western-developer helmed games, but Nintendo fanboys couldn't find enough to hate in those gems.  I know this because I get flamed with "why those highly rated titles actually suck" every time I mention them on here.

Why do you continually perpetuate the notion that 'Nintendo kiddies' prefer Other M over Metroid Prime? Have you actually read any of the threads on here? Other M has taken an absolute beating from Nintendo fans here. Hell, some have chosen to pretend the game doesn't exist because it's tarnished the series so badly...

Furthermore, this site that is supposedly full of Nintendo fans has rated Other M the lowest of any of the home console Metroid games.

Quite frankly, what you're suggesting is nonsense.

For the record, I bought Eternal Darkness, I bought Chinatown Wars, and I bought Dead Space Extraction. I also bought MadWorld, Red Steel 2, No More Heroes 1&2... I could keep going here, but I need not bother. I didn't buy Wii Music, or Wii Fit, and there are plenty of Nintendo franchises that I do not enjoy.

Not everybody is a stereotype, perhaps if you understood this you wouldn't be getting banned every five minutes...

Actually, I once abandoned this site for about a month because the "Nintendo kiddies" wouldn't stop trying to tell me that the childish storyline and totally gimped exploration of Other M was "ever so superior to the Prime games."  If what you're saying is true, that Other M has fallen quite low in the ratings on this site, then what I originally said back then (right after I finished the game when it launched) has turned out to be true:

I said that if people give it time and let the initial happiness of Other M sink in for a while, and if they think on it for a while, they'd start disliking, hating, or even resenting the game.  I was initially really happy with it... the first two hours or so maybe.  After it sunk in, and as I physically cringed at the design of the game and that wretched storytelling, it didn't take long before my initial joy was buried by reeling hatred and pained disappointment.  

I would also note that stereotypes don't come from nowhere, unfortunately.  Quite literally, near every time I've mentioned some of the better third party games for the Wii or DS, I've been attacked on all fronts as to why I'm a moron and how they actually suck.  Seriously, people on here told me Chinatown Wars sucked just because it wasn't another exact clone of GTA3 or San Andreas.  "No, that's not what we wanted, we wanted the same old GTA with some kind of touch-screen controls."  That would've been lame!

And, doesn't it piss you off that a true classic like Eternal Darkness never found the audience it deserved?  For what it's worth, I do consider myself a Nintendo fan and I do buy all kinds of 3rd party games--often I find Nintendo's choices irritating (like, again, Other M).  I almost bought Dead Space Extraction during a GameStop sale, but I wanted it in it's original case, and they didn't have it that way.  Next time, maybe.