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Chairman-Mao said:

Because people don't buy the games they make.


- Red Steel (1 did okay but 2 flopped)

- Goldeneye (1.03 million which is good, but lets be honest it would probably be at like 3 million already on 360)

- Black Ops (only 0.79m compared to like 10 million already on 360)

- Metroid Other M - I know this is made by Nintendo but its more a western audience targeted type game and it's flopped so far with just 0.78m sales.


And also because non-mainstream games don't sell well in general on the Wii. The top 10 selling Wii games all have something to do with Mario or are the Wii series (sports, fit, etc.). The best selling game not in these 2 categories is a cheap party game (Just Dance 2). Where's the motivation to make an expensive high quality game when if you make a cheap game called "Wii fun party time" its an automatic million seller. 

Goldeney is the first Wii FPS that is quality, marketed, and not inferior to anything on the other systems. ANY SUCH GAME would have trouble with that. As in it's not magically because the 360 makes the game sell but because there ARE games that the FPS players want.

Call of Duty skipped the breakthrough game until 2 years later, where it was released with no marketing. 3 was when the situation was equal, and it sold as well as the PS3 version.

Other M wasn't because of the targeting but because it was loaded with a bad story, when the game is about blasting aliens in a vast world.

And it's not true that non mainstream games don't sell well. And if you mean niche games, it's that they are niche games, and sales show they are still niched on the other systems (Valkiria Chronicles and Disgaea).

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs