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Antabus said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
Antabus said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
Antabus said:

Now why Epic should make games for Wii? They aren't obliged to develop on any platform, I think.

Everyone can do business the way they want to. If someone thinks that you won't make a profit with a shooter/whatever on wii (and makes a party game collection/whatever instead), it is their choice.

Epic shouldn't like and twist facts.

Also, Wii if you think you won't make a profit, that's not a choice, that's trying to claim a fact. Facts are not up to choice. Wii development costs are objectively lower, and HVS pointed out they money they spent on Conduit 1 was high for a "core" Wii game, but still made money.

If they don't make the shooter, they are loosing the money they could make, and the customers they would secure, for both that game and later games.

Trying to claim a fact? :D No, that is what they think is most likely and by that, they will make the choice not to make a game. 

Care to give me a link for the financial information from Sega(the publisher) about the conduit? If you can't do that, don't claim it as a fact.

Loosing the money they could make? Customers they would secure? Wtf? And you mentioned something about trying to claim something as a fact.

They might make some profit, if they were lucky. They also might lose a lot of money. It is also very plausible that they would not secure any customers for later games.

The directore of TheConduit said it made money, and I'll give the link if you want, but he couldn't exactly lie about it, as the SEC would consider that a form of fraud.

And shooters on the Wii HAVE made money more often then not. Activision has sold millions of shooter games on the Wii, mainly because it's the only developers actually releasing shooters on the Wii consistenly. That is a fact, so don't claim I'm pretending this could happen. We know it has.

And it's not luck. It's low cost. You clearly haven't looked at how high HD game development has gotten, with how low Wii (and even PSP) development has stayed. And because the cost is low, the money they would lose in a flop wouldn't be as high as the HD systems.

You claiming the risk is high, when the costs show otherwise, shows you really are making up stuff and claiming it as facts.

Sure, The Conduit might have been profitable for the developer. How about the publisher who paid the developers?

The fact is that the same shooters which have sold millions on Wii have sold tens of millions on the competing consoles. The market is on the competition and multiplatform shooters sell only fractions on Wii.

Ok. I haven't looked at them. As we are talking about shooters, point me to the developing costs of the Black Ops HD-versions (combined as porting between hd-consoles is pretty easy?). Then point me to the developing costs of the Wii version.

Then tell me about ROI when HD-versions have sold like 20 million and Wii version has sold what, 500k?

Risk is always high developing a game, unless it is a proven IP. But the funny thing is that I did not claim that or neither am I making stuff up.

You are the one who is making stuff up (dev costs, success of the conduit for publisher and so on) and claiming them as facts.

1. What makes you think Sega didn't get a decent cut? I don't think you know how dividing revue goes. I don't know much, but I do know both the developer and publisher get money.

2. You claimed that Wii games like shooters would lose money, not that they would sell less. I'm not going for your bait and switch argument. More money is still more money, even if it's just an extra million copies, which is why Activision is still supporting the Wii, because they know money is there even when other developers refuse to see it.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs