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Sales Discussion - EMEAA Up - View Post

Yakuzaice said:
Michael-5 said:

Yea, but MW2 also sold a lot better after the holiday season, GT5 is selling 50k worldwide, where GT4 sold 90k at the same time. Also in Americas, there are almost 2:1 360's to PS3's, so a high ratio should be expected. In EMEAA PS3 to 360 ratio is almost equal, so numbers could be off there too.

Shipped values are relavents, but the 6.4 million units PD shipped, were shipped at the end of December, and no new large scale shipments have been made 2 months later. It's still 6.4 million on PD. This is why shipped values are bad to go off of, how long until PD ships more units? Do I take 6.4 million units as the number of units being sold as od December 2010, or February 2011, or May 2011? That makes a big difference when looking at how well the game is doing.

Except look at the yearly ratios for MW2 so far.

2009  1.94:1
2010  1.40:1
2011  3.25:1

And for Black Ops

2010  1.69:1
2011  1.71:1

One of these things is not like the other.

As for GT5, how do you know there hasn't been a single shipment in the last two months?  You know they update the list quarterly right?  Are you seriously suggesting there might not be a single shipment between December and May?  Were you saying the same thing when they announced the 5.5 million shipment?

Wait what? For a second I thought that ratio was the total ratio of MW2 for 360 vs. PS3 in Americas.

The answer for the jump is simple. PS3 MW2 has a lot more hacking. I don't own MW2, but I played it on my friends 360 np, but on my other friends PS3, someone jumped through a wall and killed me, and another time a guy fell from the sky and killed me...

I noticed that as soon as I started hearing about this hacking issue, and significant hacking on MW2 for PS3, MW2 PS3 sales crashed. Infinity Ward even adressed the issue, but only for PS3 (which tells us the hacking is limited to PS3)

Maybe the hacking isn't that bad, but the timing is perfect. I think MW2 sales on PS3 dropped due to hacking. I have no proof, but I don't think this is a coincidence.

For GT5 I was only implying that December shipment was meant to last. I did not know PD made quarterly shipments (or maybe they just announce shipped units quarterly, that makes more sence). If PD shipped 9 million units total, that doesn't mean the game will sell 9 million units anytime soon, if ever.

Also GT5 sold 5.5 million or so, so doesn't it make sence they shipped that much? Took longer then most expected, but it still did it. They shipped 8 million Kinects for January 2011, and only at the end of January did sales surpass 8 million.

What are you trying to say? Shipped values are nothing good to go by, not all games sell what they ship. Kinect sold shipped units within a month, GT5 took 3 months. My only point was that on a weekly basis GT5 is selling about half as well as GT4, and because it's selling a lot worse, it's less likely to reach the same sales level.

At this rate, if GT5 holds sales at 55% of GT4's sales (which it didn't even do last week), the game will only sell 8.5-9 million lifetime. Hey wow, right in my prediction range, educated guesses based on math work.

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