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Sales Discussion - EMEAA Up - View Post

CGI-Quality said:

Michael-5 said:

Shipped values are irrelevent, you should know that, whatever isn't sold is shipped back. Also GT4 only sold 10.61 million units, and shipped 10.85 million, so for GT5 to break 10 million sales, it would need to sell about 85% as well to break 10 million. It's stabilizing at 66% or so.

Also, you asked me to name game game which shipped 6.4 million in a month, but sold less then 10 million lifetime. Modern Warfare 2 for PS3. Also note, they both were released in the peak holiday sales period.

I only commented about Forza sales being impressive too, you first mentioned 10 million. I made no comparision in my initial post. Just noticed a comment about GT5, and I thought mentioning how Forza 3 is doing would be good.

Anyway I agree lets not go down this road.

You should really pay attention to Polyphony's site, GT4 shipped more than 10.85 million. Regardless, GT4 is irrelevant, not GT5's shipped figures. Nothing really left to debate though, you're not changing anyone's ,mind, as nobody is changing yours. Just let it go at this point. But looking at what GT5 is currently doing, it's already closing off much of the doubt it initially had.

And btw, MW2 on PS3 WILL cross 10 million in it's life, but you need to show me it's shipped figures before calling that.

For a long time, the figure was 10.85 million, I didn't think PD would ship GT4 again 5 years after the game launched, and even then it's only a 35k shipment.

I'm not trying to change anyones mind, but why do you keep saying GT5 is "closing off much of the doubt it initially had?" It barely matched GT4 sales for the first 10 weeks, despite getting a large holiday boost and now it's selling about half as well for a corresponding week. It's not going to break 10 million at this rate. The way I see it, my prediction of 8.5-9.4 million is looking more and more right.

I don't think MW2 will cross 10 million, not with all the hacking troubling the PS3 version of the game. I dunno shipped values, but the game sold over 3 million week 1, and 6.4 million in it's first 10 weeks. So it's likely that it shipped over 6.4 million in that same timeframe. Probably closer to 7 million, which is more then GT5. Even if it crosses 10 million, it will just barely make it, and this is a bigger game then GT5.

Also GT5 still only shipped 6.4 million units as of right now too you know, those December shipments were intended to last a bit.

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