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oniyide said:

@lordtheknight  you love to look for stuff thats not there, i wasnt saying that it flopped cause it didnt launch with it, im saying that game in particular didnt really move any motion pluses. i dont think any of them did outside of Sports Resort

You wrote "the only thing that comes to mind is RS2 and that wasnt launch and we all know how that went". Last I checked, the term "and we all know how that went" actually implies causation. Don't blame me for seeing that and claiming I "love" to look for things. You pay attention to what you write. I've learned to do so on internet threads, instead of trying to blame others for my writing things that have possible interpretations (when I clearly don't, then I have reason to call on people, but I have to make sure what I wrote was unambiguous first).

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs