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I would say zex and dtewi as they are two of my best buddies on the site, but knowing those two I would end up strangling them >___>

1. Xen, 'cause he's awesome!

2. Skeez, Because he's skeez!

3. Nightsurge, my VGC twin

4. Smokedhostage is awesme, and we could play us some pokemon! :D

5. Ace, my favorite Canadian fish!

Blacksaber, Boutros, and john would be on the list if I could make it longer

Some of the fallen members I would like to meet.

Duderino123, Luinil, madskillz, and Halogamer

Edit: Forgot that LOVEoo is on the site. and Trasharm is pretty cool too

Edit #2: Koyotekat! :D

Edit #3: Since this list keeps getting larger I'll go ahead and throw Joelcool7 up here

Sig thanks to Saber! :D