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ND3G said:

Western third parties ignore Nintendo consoles because:

A) Nintendo fanboys only seem to care about games actually made by Nintendo.

B) The Japanese only seem to care about games made in Japan. 

Add the two together and western developers are pretty much guaranteed to loose money releasing games on the Wii unless it is something like Mickey Mouse.

Nintendo's "kiddy" image is well earned. 



^there goes the smart guy

Ever thought about the differences of the East and the West? Western companies do their ultimatively entertaining interaction movies and call those games while Japan goes the simple way of games (compare real games to video games and tell what's more of a game, a CoD or a "kiddy" family game?).

This industry is about money and because western devs don't know shit about Japan and the actual stuff behind the rise of video games and Nintendo (let alone Arcades) they just go for the western audience, it's that simple.

Just because "real gamers" (or core; I bet everybody is oh so core) prefer the Hollywood-style games (bigger, better, "freedom", generally western thinking) other games are kiddy and shit, right lol. I bet there are more kids playing your Halo and CoD because it says "18" on the cover than there are Mario Galaxy gamers (not just kids, all of the gamers).

Trollolololol, hit me. And call me a fanboy although I own pretty much every major console since 1980 and played more games than you. Just to feel better and cool.