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Tbh, the women were hot; i wouldnt mind playing that with them, lol. but imho this is certainly not the demographic Nintendo should be seen to cater towards.

i am NOT saying the Wii is doomed because of this game.

i am saying there are somethings you do and somethings you dont, and i dont think that a console which has made its reputation by focusing on the kids, parents and the wholesome family  image should be seen supporting this type of game.

not because i disagree with the material. hey i'm a man, and its probabily a bit of drunken fun with girls. thats cool, but this shouldnt be on a Ninty console imho. simiply because its not the right image for the userbase.

and this certainly dosent help gamers because of the 'freaks' out there who are blaming violence and rape on games, this type of game will only fuel their ammunition at us gamers.