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Developers are lazy.

Publishers are idiots.

- Publishers: Cartridges too expensive; Nintendo is Kiddy.
- Devs: No space for FMV on cartridges; Nintendo is Kiddy.

- Publishers: PS2 already out and selling well, already has a huge fanbase; Nintendo is Kiddy.
- Devs: Small disc space (not that it stopped Nintendo); Hard to develop for compared to XBOX (though probably no harder than the PS2, but PS2 had a headstart); Nintendo is Kiddy.

Wii (before launch)
- Publishers: Xbox already out with fanbase; PS3 will mimic PS2 success; Nintendo is Kiddy.
- Devs: ZOMG no HD; Similar architecture to GC; Nintendo is Kiddy.

Wii (2007)
- Publishers: Argh, forgot to make games for Wii because it was supposed to fail... best make Wii Play knock offs and charge full price.

Wii (2008)
- Publishers: Some of our cheaply made games were bought, lets make more.
- Devs: Look at the games selling on the Wii, they don't interest me as our studio was created in the PS1/PS2 boom so I don't want to make games for Wii... also HD POWAR!

Wii (now)
- Publishers: see above.
- Devs: The what?


The above added together, are also keeping alive the whole "Only Nintendo games sell on Nintendo system" thing too, though in SNES and N64 days this was probably started because Nintendo was strict about what was released on their system.